The IKKF is pleased to announce the availability of the following excellent Highlight Tapes of our last three years Annual Trainings.
1998 IKKF Annual Training Highlight Video (Taking Charge TV Show - 2 parts)
1999 IKKF Annual Training Highlight Video (Taking Charge TV Show - 3 parts)
1999 IKKF Annual Training Highlight Video (Soma Video Productions)
2000 IKKF Annual Training Highlight Video (Taking Charge TV Show - 6 parts)
1998, 1999 & 2000 IKKF ANNUAL TRAINING TV SHOWS (Taking Charge TV Show):
The 1998,1999 & 2000 the IKKF Annual Trainings were filmed by IKKF member, Kyoshi Marilyn Fierro (Isshin-ryu Karate & Okinawa Kenpo Kobudo) and the shows were aired as part of her "Taking Charge" Cable TV Show on Long Island Cablevision. In addition to the exciting shows on the IKKF Annual Trainings, Kyoshi Fierro also has an excellent three-part show on the 1999 Okinaswan Master Tour - Washington, D.C.
To find out how you can view clips of these shows or order copies of the videos, please visit Kyoshi Fierro Web Page
In 1999, the IKKF Annual Training was also filmed by Soma Video Productions, resulting in an excellent "commemorative edition" video tape. This tape provides an overview of the activities of the three-day training as well as including a number of special interviews with each of the Seminar Instructors. Activities at the Annual Banquet as well as the Formal Yudansha Testing are also included along with a listing of the names of all seminar participants at the closing of the tape. Truly a "must Have" item for all those who attended the event and an excellent way to see what the IKKF is about for those who may be considering involvment in the IKKF Program. The 1999 IKKF Annual Training Highlight Video can be ordered directly from the IKKF Honbu as outlined below.
COST: The 1999 IKKF ANNUAL TRAINING HIGHLIGHT TAPE (SVP) can be purchased for ONLY $15.95 + $3.20 S&H
Make all payments for orders to "IKKF"

We accept Visa, Master Card, Money Order and
Personal / Dojo Check (for IKKF Dojos). Pennsylvania residents
please add sales tax (6%).
(Allow 4 Weeks For Delivery)
VHS Format - PAL Format by Special Order ($5 additional charge for PAL)
E-mail Information :
IKKF Annual Training Video Tape E-mail
Mail / Fax Orders:
Internation Karate Kobudo Federation
102 Cleveland Avenue
Reading, PA 19605 USA
ph (610) 921-3601, fax (610) 921-3013