HKA President and Chief Instructor, Hanshi C. Bruce Heilman, 10th Dan Karate & 10th Dan Kobudo. Hanshi Heilman is also the Founder of the International Karate Kobudo Federation.
Photo of Kyoshi Ann-Marie Heilman, 8th Dan Karate & 8th Dan Kobudo that recently appeared in local Reading Eagle / Times Newspaper in special "20 Questions" article.
HKA Staff Instructor Renshi Dan Rupert.
Rick Ullrich, a long time HKA member and Tai Chi practitioner demonstrating open hand technique.
The "Heilman Family" in their formal picture - Hanshi C. Bruce Heilman, Kyoshi Ann-Marie Heilman, and the late Nakamura-san the cat!!
Photo of some of the HKA Yudansha at a recent Black Belt Workout at the Honbu in Reading.