The International Karate Kobudo Federation is not a typical multi-style organization. The IKKF is primarily a single style organization dedicated to the propagation of the traditional arts of Okinawa Kenpo Karate and Kobudo. Practitioners of other styles of traditional Okinawan / Japanese systems can participate in the IKKF Program under the auspices of the IKKF Kobudo Division.

The main focus of the IKKF is to the Dojo or Organizational level. The reason for this Dojo / Organizational focus is, that it is felt this best provides the opportunity for the old ways to be preserved.

For a Dojo to be eligable to receive a IKKF Dojo Charter, a minimum of five (5) members are required. For an Organization to become affiliated, a minimum of ten (10) members are required. Individual non-Dojo membership applications will only be accepted upon direct approval of Hanshi Heilman.

Traditional Dojo Head Instructors or Organizational Heads interested in becoming a member of / or affiliated to the growing IKKF family, should submit a set of completed applications (dojo/organization registration & individual memberships) along with appropriate fees. For Dojo/Organization Heads, please include a brief resume with your applications along with a copy of your latest Yudansha Certificate.

For those interested in becoming part of the IKKF's Karate, Karate-Kobudo, or Kobudo only programs please check out the next section of this web page entitled "Suggestions for Dojo Transitions"

A full set of IKKF Application Forms is provided for individuals and dojos / organizationscan be downloaded for you use (IKKF Application Forms). If you would prefer pre-printed or additional information on the IKKF Program please write or email IKKF Honbu. Please include your "snail mail" address with your infor request.

Address information for the IKKF is presented below:

Snail Mail:
International Karate Kobudo Federation
102 Cleveland Avenue
Reading, PA 19605 USA
ph (610) 921-3601


IKKF Membership Info Packet