IKKF Kata Descriptions
Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Koryu Kan
1. - Attention Stance, Bo behind right arm, REI,
2. - Bring Bo to front of body, slid hands, step back with left foot into Right Seisan Stance facing front, continue curcular movement with bo ending in Certerline Block to front, Right Overhead bo Strike, Right Downward Clearing Block with Bo,
3. - Step forward into Crossed Leg Stance keeping Bo in position while
stepping through to Right Seisan Stance, Right Bo Strike,
4. - Palm Bo, Naha Turn to rear into Left Seisan Stance, Post Position Block with Bo,
5. - Step forward into Crossed Leg Stance keeping Bo in position while stepping through to Left Seisan Stance, Left Bo Strike,
6. - Adjust and palm hands on Bo, Naha Turn to rear into Right Seisan Stance, Right Downward Clearing Bo Block, Right Overhead Bo Strike,
7. - Step forward into Left Seisan Stance, Left Side "Choun Disarm", Weak Side Clear to right side,
8. - Step forward into right Seisan Stance, Right Side "Choun Disarm", Scoot Step staying in Right Seisan Stance, Right Side Bo Strike, Right Bo Thrust to solar plexus, KIAI,
9. - Look left, Naha Turn to rear into Left Seisan Stance, "Baseball Swing" with Bo, replace hands / regrab and step through to Right Seisan Stance, right Overhead Bo Strike, Right Poke with Bo,
10. - Look left, Naha Turn to rear into Left Seisan Stance, "Baseball Swing" with Bo, replace hands / regrab and step through to right Seisan Stance, right Overhead Bo Strike, Right Poke with Bo, adjust hands and place Bo to rear into prep position,
11. - Shift left foot up into Nai Hanchi Stance (facing front), Left Front Inside Low Bo Block, Left Rear Outside Low Bo Block, Left Downward Disarm, Scoot to left staying in Nai Hanchi Stance, Left Thrust to side,
12. - Look left, Pivot on toes stepping out into Right Seisan Stance, right Overhead Bo Strike, adjusting hands prepping Bo to rear,
13. - Pivoting on right foot turn clockwise into Nai Hanchi Stance (facing rear),Left Front Inside Low Bo Block, Left Rear Outside Low Bo Block, Left Downward Disarm, Scoot to left staying in Nai Hanchi Stance, Left Thrust to side,
14. - Look left, Pivot on toes stepping out into Right Seisan Stance, right Overhead Bo Strike, adjusting hands prepping Bo to rear,
15. - Pivoting on right foot turn clockwise into Left Seisan Stance, Left Low Clearing Bo Block, Left Low Bo Poke,
16. - Step forward into Right Seisan Stance, Right Overhead Bo Strike, Right Bo Thrust to solar plexus, KIAI,
17. - Right foot moves out shifting into Diagional Nai Hanchi Stance, Circle Disarm,
18. - Step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Overhead Bo Strike,
19. - Adjust hands, shift left foot out into Left Seisan, Left Low Ouside Clearing Block, Left Downward Disarm (shifting hips),
20. - Step forward into right Seisan Stance, Right Overhead Bo Strike,
21. - Pivot on right foot turn clockwise into Left Seisan Stance, Left Low Clearing Bo Block, Left Low Bo Poke,
22. - Step forward into Right Seisan Stance, Right Overhead Strike,
23. - Shift back into Right Cat Stance, Right Inside Bo Block,
24. - Double step back into Right Seisan Stance, Right Low Clearing Block, adjust hands and execute Right Weak Side Clearing Block,
25. - Pull right foot back to left into Attention Stance (bo behind at right side), REI.
movement direction hold stance position and direction pivot / turn movement