IKKF Kata Descriptions
Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Koryu Kan
1. - Attention Stance, REI,
2. - Shift left foot out into Yoi Position, Double Clearing Blocks,
3. - Step out into Right Seisan Stance, Right Augmented Inside Forearm Block, Left Punch, retract punch under tension, right foot shuffle movement,
4. - Step out into Left Seisan Stance, Left Augmented Inside Forearm Block, Right Punch, retract punch under tension, left foot shuffle movement,
5. - Step out into Right Seisan Stance, Right Augmented Inside Forearm Block, Left Punch, retract punch under tension, right foot shuffle movement,
6. - U-Punch (left hand high), Double Blocks (two sets), Double Low Open Hand Strikes (palms down), Grab and Pull, Right Knee Lift,
7. - Naha turn to rear into Left Seisan Stance, combination Right Inside Ridge Hand Strike with Left Open Hand Block (behind leg), turn over right hand and pull back under tension, left foot shuffle movement,
8. - Step forward into Right Seisan Stance, combination Left Inside Ridge Hand Strike with Right Open Hand Block (behind leg), turn over left hand and pull back under tension, right foot shuffle movement,
9. - Step forward into Left Seisan Stance, combination Right Inside Ridge Hand Strike with Left Open Hand Block (behind leg), turn over right hand and pull back under tension, left foot shuffle movement,
10. - Pivoting on left foot turn left into Left Seisan Stance, Left Augmented Inside Forearm Block,
11. - Pull left foot back and then scoot forward back into Left Seisan Stance, Right Punch, Left Punch, Right Punch,
12. - Naha turn to rear into Right Sensan Stance, Right Augmented Inside Forearm Block,
13. - Pull right foot back and then scoot forward back into Right Seisan Stance, Left Punch, Right Punch, Left Punch,
14. - Turn left into Left Seisan Stance, Left Augmented Inside Forearm Block,
15. - Double step forward, Left side Stepup Kick, set down into Side Nai Hanchi Stance, Left Downward Forearm Block,
16. - Naha turn to rear into Right Seisan Stance, Right Augmented Inside Forearm Block,
17. - Double step forward, Right Side Stomp Kick, set down into Side Nai Hanchi Stance, Right Downward Forearm Block, lift right foot to avoid sweep (left hand slap to right foot), Left Hand Downward Palm Cover, Right Downward Punch,
18. - Shift back into Left Seisan Stance with fists chambered, U-Punch (right hand high),
19. - Move left foot back and exchange with right into Right Cat Stance, Foot Catch (right over left), Twist, Right Downward Palm Block,
20. - Shift right foot out to side into Yoi Position facing front, Double Clearing Blocks,
21. - Left foot to right into Attention Stance, REI.
movement direction hold stance position and direction pivot / turn movement