There have been reports of rumors and distortion of the facts surrounding
promotion history and the relationship with Grand Master Odo and or his
organization, the RKKF (formerly the OKKKF). The purpose of this section is not to make accusations against any individual or group, but rather to present a brief record of
the true facts surrounding the issue and misconceptions thereto.
* * *
Mr. Heilman first became involved with Master Odo during a visit to Okinawa in 1983 as part of a group headed by Master Robert Trias, USKA. During that trip, Heilman had the opportunity to meet and visit with Master Odo and was accepted as a member of Master Odo's Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Federation (OKKKF). Mr. Heilman had served as USKA Style Head for Okinawa Kenpo since 1976. Arrangements were subsequently made for Master Odo to travel to the USA for a visit sponsored by Mr. Heilman. Master Odo's first visit to the Heilman Dojo occurred in 1984. Mr. Al Louis, then stationed in Okinawa helped coordinate the visit from the Okinawan side and accompanied Master Odo on his 1984 trip to Reading, Pa. USA.
During that first visit in 1984, Master Odo appointed Mr. Heilman to the position as his U.S. Representative for the OKKKF. As part of that position, Mr. Heilman sponsored Master Odo to the States on an average of once or twice a year. The highlight of the various visits were typically the "OKKKF Annual Trainings" held in Reading, Pa. It was during the early to mid 1980's that the conflict with Mr. T. Higa came to light over the Ownership of the "Okinawa Kenpo" name. Mr. Higa, who at one time was appointed as the US Representative for the All Okinawa Kenpo Karate-do League, by then President Master Odo, had Trademarked the name "Okinawa Kenpo" and moved to prohibit the use of it by anyone who was not directly under himself. A legal battle ensued between Mr. High and Mr. Heilman lasting over two years. The end result was an Out of Court Settlement, entered into the Federal Court record, in which Mr. Heilman became a Co-Owner of the name "Okinawa Kenpo", and the sole owner of "Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo" and "Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Federation".
In 1989, Mr. Heilman resigned his position as US Representative and was asked to take on the position of "OKKKF International Representative". In 1990 a reorganization of the OKKKF was structured in order to permit "Organizational Affiliations". Thus in 1991, Mr. Heilman established the "International Karate Kobudo Federation" as an OKKKF Affiliated Organization with Mr. Heilman continuing his association with Master Odo and sponsoring visits. Multiple OKKKF leadership changes and reorganizations occurring during the early to mid-1990's resulted in Mr. Heilman and his IKKF not renewing their Organizational Affiliation in 1996, although Mr. Heilman continued to support Master Odo personally.
After the establishment of the IKKF by Mr. Heilman, the rights to the name "Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Federation", "Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Shudokan" and the "OKKKF Patch", which were owned by Mr. Heilman as part of the Higa Court Case Settlement, were turned over to Master Odo for his use. Mr. Heilman continued to co-own the "Okinawa Kenpo" name as well as own the "Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo" trademark.
In 1997 Master Odo made a request, through his OKKKF Coordinator in Okinawa at that time for Mr. Heilman to sponsor another visit to the States, which was scheduled for that summer. Unfortunately, Master Odo suffered an illness which required him to cancel his planned visit for that summer (although plane tickets had been purchased at that point, Master Odo furnished a letter from his doctor confirming his condition which permitted a refund to be secured for the tickets). During the period prior to the scheduled visit Master Odo had been contacted by Mrs. Heilman and an interpreter during which discussions the question of Mr. Heilman's promotion to 9th Dan were held. Master Odo agreed to the promotion during three separate phone discussions and had planned to present the promotion certificate during his visit that summer. The use of OKKKF Certificates was authorized for the 9th Dan Karate and 9th Dan Kobudo Promotion and a promotion fee was requested by Master Odo (a "OKKKF Hanshi" License Certificate was not to be provided as the OKKKF guidelines provided for only "one OKKKF Hanshi - Master Odo", but rather Mr. Heilman's "Hanshi License" would be through the action of the IKKF Executive Board of which Master Odo was a member, and the said License would be for the IKKF). The fee was subsequently mailed to Okinawa, and received and deposited by Master Odo into his bank account. A copy of the cancelled check is presented below.

Photo of cancelled check deposited by Master Odo for Mr. Heilman's 9th Dan Promotion.
Mr. Heilman also received promotions from a number of other organizations which were presented at the 1997 IKKF Annual Training held in Reading, Pa. These included:
o Hanshi, 9th Dan Karate, 9th Dan Kobudo, International Karate Kobudo Federation Executive Board
o Hanshi, 9th Dan Karate, 9th Dan Kobudo, United States Karate Alliance
o Hanshi, 9th Dan, World Union Of Martial Arts Federations
o Hanshi, 9th Dan, International Shorin-ryu Karate Kobudo Federation
o Recognition, Hanshi, 9th Dan, United Coalition Matsumura Seito Branches
In 1998, Mr. Heilman adopted the name "Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Koryu Kan" to identify the version of Okinawa Kenpo taught under the auspices of the IKKF. Also around this time, Master Odo changed the name of his style of martial arts from "Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Shudokan" to "Ryukyu Hon Kenpo Kobujutsu" and the name of his organization from the "Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Federation" (OKKKF) to the "Ryukyu Hon Kenpo Kobujutsu Federation" (RKKF).
In February of 1999, four independent Okinawa Kenpo Groups (all former students of Master Odo - Heilman, Isaac, Coffin & Louis) came together to form the "Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Union" (OKKKU), with the purpose of fostering cooperation and preparation of the Okinawa Kenpo lineage of Shigeru Nakamura and Seikichi Odo. Mr. Heilman was made President and Director of the OKKKU and was issued Recognition Certificates of his License and Rank Level.
As stated at the beginning of this section, the purpose here is just to present the facts and not to make any accusations.