Charlene Paull working a bo technique.
It is with great saddness that we post this memorial to CHARLENE PAULL a long time member of the IKKF Family and "fixture" at most of our training events. She passed away on July 3rd from cancer of the pancreas. In tribute to the memory of Ms. Paull, a moment of silent meditation was held both at the Annual Training as well as the Annual Banquet this year.
Ms. Paull was an Isshinryu stylist and student of Kyoshi James Keahon for over 20 years. She also trained in and received her Yudansha Certifications in Okinawa Kenpo Kobudo. Ms. Paull was one of those individuals who made everyone else smile - she always had a good word for her fellow martial artists and always gave it her most in her training.
She will be sorely missed by all who knew her.
Some additional photos of Charlele Paull are presented below:
Charlene Paull (kneeling left) with Master Odo, the Heilmans, the Keahons,
and Laura DiLorenzo at the 1994 IKKF Annual Training in Reading, Pa.
Ms. Paull sharring a moment with the late Hanshi Don Nagle and Julia Keahon and Laura DiLorenzo.
Ms. Paull (headband) with Hanshi Heilman and Kyoshi Keahon at Keahon Dojo in New Jersey.