The IKKF has no formal uniform regulations required for all members. However, it does offer some suggestions to our members in the effort to promote standardization and professionalism.
- Student Uniform - It is suggested that all IKKF Kyu level students wear the traditional WHITE uniform. Each Dojo may place their own patch on the left chest area of the uniform. The IKKF patch shall be placed on the left sleeve of the uniform.
- Yudansha Uniform - It is recommended that the standard formal uniform for all Yudansha (Black Belts) be the WHITE uniform. The IKKF Patch is still to be worn on the left sleeve as before, however the Yudansha can replace their individual Dojo Patch with the Kanji (black) for "Okinawa Kenpo", "Oki Ken Kobudo", or the kanji for other affiliated styles, i.e., "Shotokan, Goju-Ryu, etc.". The IKKF Yudansha may also wear a BLACK uniform with gold kanji as noted above. In this manner we can all show the unity of the IKKF Yudansha, and respect for our various traditional lineages.
- Kobudo Uniform - Kyu ranked kobudo students are permitted to wear their standard white karate uniform.
For Yudansha certified members, a BLUE HAKAMA AND TOP are worn. The kanji "Okinawa Kenpo" (for the Karate-Kobudo Division members) and / or "Oki Ken Kobudo" (for the Kobudo Division members) is worn over the left chest. The IKKF Patch is to go on the left shoulder as normal. Additionally, the "IKKF Kobudo Patch" (normally worn on the back of the obi) is to be placed on center of the back support area of the hakama. Kyoshi Level kobudo practitioners have the option of also wearing a White Hakama and Top in place of the regular Blue Kobudo Uniform.
- Yudansha Full Dress Uniform - In an attempt to foster greater professionalism in the martial arts, it is suggested that IKKF Yudansha adopt the following internationally accepted formal dress:
- Men - Slacks (gray), Shirt (white), Tie (red), Sport Coat (Dark Blue). The IKKF Patch is to be worn over the left chest pocket.
- Women - Gray slacks or skirt, white blouse, blue blazer, red tie / scarf.
At the Yudansha level, the respective dojo patches can be removed from the individuals uniform and replaced by an approppriate "Kanji Patch". The purpose of this is to show the unity of the IKKF Yudansha, and respect for our various traditional lineages.
The following graphic presents the Kanji for "Okinawa Kenpo", "Oki Ken Kobudo", and "Okinawa Kobudo".