- Hanshi Vic Coffin, 9th Dan, President
Hanshi Victor Coffin is the President and Founder of the KESSHIN KAN. He is an highly skilled martial artists who has amassed an excellent tournament record at the regional and National level. Hanshi Coffin , a long time practitioner of the arts, holds ranks of Hanshi, 9th Dan, Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo. He is assisted in the operation of the Kesshin Kan by his wife, Kyoshi Chris Coffin, 7th Dan, Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo.

KK President Hanshi Vic Coffin, 9th Dan
and Vice-President Kyoshi Chris Coffin, 7th Dan
KK Web Page
HAWAII OKINAWA KARATE-DO KOBUDO SHUDOKAN - Hanshi Joseph Bunch, 9th Dan, President
The Hawaii Okinawa Karate-do Kobudo Shudokan (HOKK) was founded by Hanshi Joseph Bunch. Hanshi Bunch, who passed away in 2010 held ranks 9th Dan in Okinawa Kenpo Karate and a 9th Dan in Okinawa Kenpo Kobudo, is a past student of both Seikichi Odo and Seijiro Maehara. He headed up a large multi-dojo organization in Hawaii and the US mainland and was a very strong part of the Hawaii Karate Kodansha Kai and the USA-NKF Program. He served from 1984 to his passing in 2010 as the Secretary /Treasurer and a member of the Ranking Committee for the Hawaii Karate Kodansha Kai. He also serves as the Hawaii Representative for the USA-NKF. Upon his passing he was elevated to the title of Hanshi, and promoted to 9th Dan. He was a highly respected traditional practitioner and we will miss him as part of the OKKKU family. Hanshi Bunch's family are all active Yudansha and are expected to continue his lineage as we look forward to assisting them as part of the OKKKU Family.

The late HOKK President Hanshi Joseph Bunch and HOKK Secretary / Treasurer Sensei Linda Bunch